
Hospitality management

Question 1: The demands of a hotel guest will be determined by the reason for their visit. Critically examine how the business travel market will distinct from the leisure travel market.

Question 2: In addition to the state of the economy, a number of factors will affect the pattern of spending. Examine factors which will affect consumer expenditure in the hospitality industry.

Question 3: Strategic management is concerned with determining the objectives a company has chosen.

a) Examine the process of planning and decision making at each of the given organizational levels:

  • Corporate level
  • Business level
  • Operational level

b) Describe the role of a mission statement.

c) Describe factors which will have an effect on sales revenue.

Question 4: A marketing policy will plan how the requirements of customers might be satisfied in a hospitality unit.

a) Examine how a traditional approach to marketing focuses on the four P’s.

b) Explain how you would expect the marketing response of a hotel to react in a competitive environment.

Question 5: A hospitality manager has a legal duty to make sure that food supplied is safe to eat. Examine how quality assurance might be established under each of the given headings:

a) Risk assessment
b) Due diligence
c) Codes of practice
d) Food hygiene training

Question 6: National restaurant chains have created and developed a high element of customer confidence.

a) Describe how restaurant chains might accomplish consumer confidence.
b) Compare the cook-chill food production system with the cook-freeze system.
c) Explain the characteristics of the partie system used in a traditional kitchen.

Question 7: Despite social changes, the licensing sector of the hospitality industry has kept most of its traditions.

a) Identify differences between a tenant and a manager in the hospitality industry.
b) Describe how the payment of dry rent distinct from that of wet rent.
c) Explain how products offered in a free house will distinct from those available in tied premises.
d) Examine information which regular stocktaking will give for hospitality managers.

Question 8: The standard of service is perceived via the comparison of what was expected with what was received.

Examine service quality determinants that might be categorized under the given headings:

a) Tangibles facilities
b) Reliability consistency
c) Responsiveness willingness
d) Assurance knowledge
e) Empathy

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Other Management: Hospitality management
Reference No:- TGS04350

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