
Hospitality industry related concept

Discuss the below:


You need to present one (1) original hospitality industry related concept. It is very important to note that while you can be influenced by other people's ideas, the concept that you develop has to be original and new - meaning no one in the world has had the exact same idea that you are proposing. So, ensure that you research the concept, to make sure that the idea you are proposing is original.

It consist the preparation of a PowerPoint presentation:

Your concept could relate to any one of the following areas:

(1.) Innovative, product, service and/or cuisine

(2.) New experience and/or creative hospitality theme

(3.) Design and ambience

(4.) Hospitality provided in an unusual location

(5.) Hospitality product/service/process automation and/or innovation

Guidance for this is provided to you through the following ways:

(1.) A web-based creative problem solving tool for students that provide step-by-step instructions -


(2.) A Facebook site that provides one-on-one personal consultation and feedback about yourproposedconcept - see unearthing ideas:


(3.) Past examples from students - see Learnonline resource for this course.

Your assignment presentation has two (2) main components to it:

(1.) Description of your creative/original/innovative concept

(2.) Illustration of the process through which you arrived at your concept - Mind Map

The objective of Assignment 2

To help you acquire skills to make you a creative and innovative entrepreneur/practitioner with imaginativeability.This assessment task has a strong focus on Graduate quality (3) - effective problem solver, capable ofapplying creative thinking to a range of problems

What we are doing and our expectations of your work for this creative part of the project are:

• Trying to remove inhibitors.

• Understanding the processes of how to arrive at new ideas.

• Practicing ways of working with ideas/concepts to create new ideas and knowledge.

Guidance is provided to you through the following ways

Presentation details

Your assignment presentation has two main components to it:

(1.) Description - the following needs to be considered

• What does the concept involve?

• What format will it take?

• Why will it be fun and interesting?

• What is creative and original about this concept?

• Who is it targeted at?

• Where will it take place?

• What will the activities be?

• What are the challenging aspects of this concept?

(2.) Illustration of the process through which you arrived at your concept - Mind Map
Illustrate using a Mind Map (or similar diagram), how you generated your creative/original/innovative hospitality concept, using the creative idea generation tools provided through Ingeniumonline tool (https://www.creativity-project.net/ingentool.php)

The purpose of the mind map is to show progression of the idea development process for your concept.

Information about the assignment task and format

• You need to include a Slides section and a Notes section

• Your PowerPoint slides should be 5

• You can provide a Bibliographic/Reference list of any sources that you have consulted, however as
the concept is expected to be yours and original, you do not need to provide a lengthy reference list. But please note that you need to research the subject material of your idea thoroughly to arrive at your idea.

The creativity of your idea development process, should adhere to the following:

• Lots of ideas (Fluency)

• Diverse ideas (Flexibility)

• Applying ideas from different situations (Transference)

• Ideas from similar concepts (Analogies and Metaphors)

• Unexpected or random combinations of ideas (Random Association)

• Breaking patterns of thinking and behaviour (Challenging Assumptions)

• Challenging a current concept to arrive at an unexpected opposite concept (Reversal)

• Using mistakes or dead-end leads to change your thinking and approaches

• Playfulness (having fun, taking risks and using humour)

• Using other senses (different senses, mediums, forms, dreams, etc.)

Your presentation should also show evidence of how you have progressed towards your new ideas andunderstandings (new knowledge) by working in the following ways, by challenging and overcoming inhibitors tocreativity such as:

• The fear of making mistakes

• The need to be assured that you are in the right direction

• The need to have an expected answer

• The need to follow a pre-determined process

• The expectation that a process needs to lead to a complete solution (could be ideas in progress)

• The need to follow a set routine (the thinking that ideas only come at certain times and places)

• Using only analytical, routine or judgemental thinking

• Relying on your expectations of how the lecturer will assess your work (critical thinking over a periodof time about your ideas, attitudes and approaches leading to self-evaluation and peer-evaluation)

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