
Hospitality finance and accounting controls


Hospitality Finance and Accounting Controls

Part 1: Write in about 200 to 250 words

Using the hospitality organization Carnival Cruise Line, conduct exploratory research on the hospitality information systems the organization uses as a control mechanism. Go to the company website of the technology system and conduct research.

Write a brief overview of the hospitality organization's use of information technology systems using the following criteria:

  • Identify the type and brand of the information technology they use. Provide an in-depth explanation of the information system.
  • Discuss the hospitality organization's purpose for using the system and how the system is used in various ways in order to support the organizational control framework.
  • Explain how management uses the system to assist in making managerial decisions, and for future planning.
  • How is the hospitality organization using the technology to innovate (i.e., Self-service kiosks, etc.)?

Part 2: Write in about 200 to 250 words

The POLC model as discussed in the seminar includes "C" for control. One way that management controls a business is through financial control. Search the Internet for videos on what financial managers need to know.

  • As you watch take note of three of the most important lessons that you learned about financial control, and accounting versus finance.
  • After watching the videos, discuss the three lessons you learned about financial control, and accounting versus finance.
  • After watching the videos, discuss the three lessons you learned and discuss your perception of the difference between accounting and finance.

You may use the following reference for both parts: Barrows, C. W. (02/2011). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, 10th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781118083871/

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Other Management: Hospitality finance and accounting controls
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