
Hospital planning and engineering

Question 1: Describe the environmental regulations to be followed in the construction of hospitals.

Question 2: State the assets acquired by hospital?

Question 3: What are the sources of the financing hospitals?

Question 4: Specify the determination of quality of services and facilities.

Question 5: Dr. Allen is an orthopedic surgeon of the hospital. Every day, he performs 3 elective surgeries in the operation theatre. Mostly plans for elective surgeries. On a specific day, there was an emergency surgery. Suddenly, power was shut down; the generator could not be started due to shortage of diesel. Some of the fuses went off in the O.T. causing Poor illumination in O.T. lights. The maintenance manager was fixed the next day.

Suppose you are the managing director of the hospital, how do you plan the maintenance department of the hospital?

Question 6: Describe the emergency and mortuary services available in the hospitals.

Question 7: What are functions and sphere of the general medicine and neurology?

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Other Management: Hospital planning and engineering
Reference No:- TGS04900

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