
Hormonal methods for women beginning with the first oral

Before the sexual revolution initiated by 'the pill,' men were a more integral part of family planning and other reproductive health concerns than they are today. If a couple wished to use contraception, their options were limited primarily to methods requiring a man's participation - withdrawal, periodic abstinence or condoms.

Hormonal methods for women, beginning with the first oral contraceptives in 1960, and the subsequent development of intrauterine devices and modern surgical sterilization, led to the development of a family planning services community focused on women, often to the exclusion of men. Today's challenge, as expressed by the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, is to enhance male responsibility for family planning by expanding services in ways that protect the reproductive health of both men and women, and by encouraging greater sensitivity to gender issues. Explain how hormonal contraceptives physiologically affect women and men. Describe and explain your views. Be sure to reference any outside resource you use in your post.

Please note: This is a very personal question. Please share only that which you are comfortable sharing and be kind to each other in your responses. Not everyone will have the same opinion. It is expected that you will be professional and compassionate in your responses.

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Biology: Hormonal methods for women beginning with the first oral
Reference No:- TGS02219432

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