I am Mainland Chinese ,a university of toronto student, major of economics,
I WANT TO STUDY in7r different programs in the summer abroad programs.Please write 7 diffenrent paragraphs for these 7 different programs.
hong kong summer abroad, and the course is"the history of hong kong"
Germany summer abroad,th course is"Berlin Between East and West"
Italy summer abroad, the course is:Italian Regional Foodways and Culture"
Spain summer abroad, the course is:"Introduction to the Hispanic World"
South korea summer abroad> the course is:"Special Topics: Business Modelling and Global Organizations"
Central europe:czech republic, the course is:Special Topics: Strategy in the European Context
south africa: the course is"RSM395Y0 Special Topics: Inclusive Consulting with Micro-Enterprises"
lease answer the following questions the text box below. Keep your response to a maximum of 500 words.
- Please outline the reasons why you want to study abroad and why you have selected this particular program.How does this program fit with your personal goals?
- Describe how your academic background has prepared you for the course you have chosen. How does this course fit into your overall academic goals and requirements?
- Considering the cultural, logistical, personal and financial factors involved in living abroad, what steps would you take to prepare for this program?
- Briefly outline a situation that required you to adapt to an environment or circumstance that you found challenging and describe how you coped with this.