
Homogeneity-heterogeneity-score effect size of correlation

Answer the following in about 200 words each.

Question 1) Keeping in mind the three major components of educational process viz. the objectives, learning experiences and learner appraisal, discuss the role of evaluation in the teaching learning process. Support your answer with suitable examples from your teaching.

Question 2) What do you understand by reliability and validity of an evaluation tool? Describe the steps you will take to make your tests reliable and valid.

Question 3) Construct a test of 20 objective type items in your subject. Administer test to a group of 50 students conduct an item analysis and write a report.

Question 4) While stating instructional objectives what principles will you keep in mind? Write instructional objectives of a unit from your teaching subject.

Question 5) Explain the role of diagnostic evaluation in teaching learning process. Most of the teachers in schools do not engage in diagnostic testing, why? What do you think is the way out?

Question 6) What is data? Describe its types by giving concentrate examples of each type. Describe the ways in which data could be represented.

Question 7) Describe the meaning of co-efficient of correlation. Why does homogeneity and heterogeneity of scores effect size of correlation? Collect half yearly and annual examination marks of your students in your subject and find out the relationship between the two sets of scores and interpret it.

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Reference No:- TGS04852

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