Review the homicide scene diagram. This diagram is an actual exhibit from a homicide investigation conducted by the Paterson Police Department and the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office in 2014. I have modified it to include only the initials of the suspects and/or witnesses. The first victim J B died instantly when struck by a projectile as he exited a deli. He was not an intended target. The second victim M C was struck in the head with a projectile. She sustained massive life-long injuries. What are the key pieces of evidence and information contained in the diagram? What do these items tell us about the incident? J B and M C were non-intended targets caught in the cross fire. Should a harsher penalty be applied to any actor based on the victim being innocent and in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Treat this assessment like you are the detectives investigating this homicide. Try to figure out clues and other important information in this diagram that can assist your investigation.