
Hometown geology project

Hometown Geology Project:

Project description:

Hi, according from your work of Hometown Geology Project (Order ID:1135830),the following is the revision comments from my professor, please directly follow his advice and revise and edit the powerpoint:

I’ve included a few better maps and descriptions of formations.(See below for the pdf link) You’re missing some important pieces like exact formation names or talking about the tectonics of the region. Note how many thrust faults are on your map? What sort of tectonic plate system could produce that? (divergent or convergent or strike slip?) You’re also missing your cross section, like the ones on the bottom of the map that I included here. Make sure that you include all of the things on the checklist.



Please see attachment for the checklist of the powerpoint.

Please include everything that the professor mentioned in his suggestion of the revision. This project is very important to me, please do your best!!!

Please upload the revision as soon as possible no later than 11:30pm in pacific standard time tonight on 11/10/2014

Fall 2014   Earth Sciences 125

Class Project: The geology of your hometown (20% of grade)

Please construct a 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation on the geology of your hometown.

Element of the Project:

1.  Find a geologic map of your hometown. It should be 1:100,000 scale, or finer.

a.  Your TAs have provided tips on how to find maps. The map must have:

i.  A key, outlining the geologic formations in your area
ii.  A cross section, showing the subsurface structure of your area

1.  Some maps may not come with a cross section. If not, continue to search the internet for one in the nearby area.

2.  Every town will be different, but try to observe these common items on the map:

a.  Identify the main rock types in the area:

i.  igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

b.  What age are the rocks in the area?

i.  Look on the map and in the key.

ii.  Look up a geologic time scale online and use it to put into context the rock ages in your hometown.

c.  What is the relationship between the rocks in your area?

i.  Faults, folds, unconformities, etc.

ii.  Use these structures to help interpret past geologic events

d.  Describe the special geologic features that stand out in your area?

3.  In order to get the best grade, do additional investigating beyond your map.

a.  Use Google, Google scholar, and GEOREF to look up the geology of your hometown, county, the region covered by the map, or the state.

4.  Construct a geologic history ofyour area using the skills you learned in class/lab.

a.  Consider each geologic formation or feature as an “event”.

i.  Identify the rock type, read the key and additional online sources so you can describe how and when it formed and its relationshipto
the other formations.

1.  Be sure to use geologic formation names Ex) “Vishnu Schist” “Redwall Limestone”

b.  What formation/rock type isyour house built on? Show us on the map.

c.  What were the major tectonic events that shaped your hometown area?

i.  When and where did plates collide, slide, or spread apart, or none of the above during the geologic history of your hometown?

ii.  What kind of rocks were formed during these events and are on your map?

d.  Integrate the rock formations and tectonic history into the geologic history of your hometown and present this information from the oldest geologic rocks and events to the most recent in a 5-10 minute PowerPoint.

e.  Describe an additional interesting geologic fact about your hometown.

i.  Ex. Unique mineral or fossil deposits, unique landscapes, famous movie locations, etc.

ii.  Earthquakes are not an “interesting fact” as they are expected depending on the tectonic setting of your hometown.

5.  Presentation quality is an important aspect

a.  The presentation should last between 5-10 minutes

i.  Practice in front of friends to give a clear and smooth presentation and to fall within the time limit!

b.  The presentation should be image rich, not contain a lot of text

i.  Zoom in and crop sections of yourmap and cross section to highlight formations and geologic events

ii.  Google images and diagrams that will help you teach the class about different rock types or tectonic events

6.  Example presentations will be given in lecture and/or lab.

7.  Use the additional rubric provided to make sure each aspect of your presentation is complete. Fill out the additional checklist provided and reflect on your work

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