Holding period return:
Holding period return is the return earned by the virtue of holding an asset over a given period. The return is equal to the income and other gains earned from the asset, divided by the original cost of the asset.
Holding period return of SMSI is -3.12 which represents the loss on investment. Investment is reduced by 3.12% over the period. Where as in the case of S&P Holding period return is 0.62, meaning that investments are increased by 0.62% over the period.
Even though the adjusted Holding period return for SMSI is reduced due to dollar appreciation, still it continues to be negative, resulting in the reduction in investment.
Therefore after studying Holding period return and adjusted Holding period return it is clear that investment in SMSI is not advisable as it results in deterioration of capital. Whereas, the investment is advisable since it gives positive Holding period return. But again here it should be noted that 0 .62% of Holding period return for period of 10 weeks means 3.224% (52 weeks) of annual growth which is matter of consideration seeing the risk return ratio.