
Hnhs 114 - managing financial resources in health and


Purpose of this assignment:

The health and social act 2012 requires health practitioner and social care managers to be more innovative, more productive and more accountable while delivering the NHS, Adult Social care and Public health outcomes (quality, safety and patient experience)

By carrying out this assignment, learner will be equipped with the knowledge and understanding needed to monitor costs, make predictions, evaluate the process of effective control of resource allocation, including shortfalls, and make recommendations for expenditure in health and social care organisation.

Breakdown of assignment:

Write a 3500-word essay consisting of four main sections addressing the learning outcomes above. In this assignment students must demonstrate their understanding on Financial management and reporting which is an essential component of health and social care management and a concept that is required to manage cash in-flow and out-flow.

Please refer to the scenarios below:

Coursework requirements:

To receive formative feedback on the essay it should be handed in on the 6th and 13th week of the course.

Case Study:
You are one of the home managers for CareSouth Group, a care home team worked closely with the Alzheimer's Society on the Dementia Friendly communities project, including holding events such as a Dementia awareness tea party, etc.

You have been invited to present a report to the Directors of the company as part of government review and monitoring of your care home.

This report is aimed to demonstrate your understanding and knowledge in Planning and managing budget in your home, it will show your skills in resource control and managing shortfall with your ability to make prediction and make recommendation for the future expenditure CareSouth Group.

Task 1 (LO: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & D1)

Explain the principles of costing and business control systems that may be adopted in

CareSouth Group care home. (AC 1.1)

Identify the information needed to manage financial resource for CareSouth Group care home in 2013/14 financial ending? (AC 1.2)

Explain the regulatory requirements need to be satisfied while managing financial resources in CareSouth Group care home? (AC 1.3)

Evaluate the systems for managing financial resources in CareSouth Group care home
(AC 1.4 & D1)

The first part of the assignment addresses learning outcomes: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4. This section of the essay should consist of 900 words.

Task 2 (LO: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, M3, D1 & D2)

Discuss the diverse sources of income available to CareSouth Group care home in the financial year in 2013/14? (AC 2.1)

Analyse the factors that may influence the availability of financial resources in CareSouth Group care home? (AC 2.2, M3, D2)

Review different types of budget expenditure in CareSouth Group care home. (AC 2.3 & M3)

Evaluate how decisions about expenditure could be made in CareSouth Group care home.

(You also need to do also comparison with respect to financial year 2012/13) (AC 2.4 & D1)

The second part of the assignment addresses learning outcomes: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 & 2.4. This section of the essay should consist of 900 words.

Task 3 (LO: 3.1, 3.2 & 3.3, M1, D3)

Assuming there was financial shortfall in CareSouth Group care home; explain how this situation could be managed? (AC 3.1)

Explain what action you would take if you suspect occurrence of financial fraud in your organisation? (AC 3.2)

Evaluate budget monitoring arrangements in CareSouth Group care home (AC 3.3, M1 & D3).

The above assignment addresses learning outcomes: 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. This section of the essay should consist of 800 words.

Task 4 (LO: 4.1, 4.2, M1, D2 & D3)

Identify information required to make financial decisions relating to CareSouth Group care home (AC 4.1)

Analyse the relationship between care service delivered and ‘costs and expenditure' (AC 4.2 & D2).

Evaluate how financial considerations impact upon a service user (AC 4.3, M1)

Suggest ways to improve the care service provided by CareSouth Group care home through changes to its financial systems and processes (AC 4.4 & D3).

The above assignment addresses learning outcomes: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4. This final section of the essay should consist of 900 words


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Dissertation: Hnhs 114 - managing financial resources in health and
Reference No:- TGS02757282

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