Performance Evidence - Tasks to be completed
You must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.
Task 1 - Conduct Workplace Risk Assessment and Record results
This task can be undertaken in your workplace or on practical placement. Please let your assessor know the setting in your answer.
This assessment is about demonstrating that you have the ability to complete WHS requirements. Level of risk is assessed utilising the chart below.
LIKELIHOOD How likely could it happen?
CONSEQUENCES: How severely could it hurt someone?
Extreme - death, permanent disablement
Major - serious bodily injury
Moderate - casualty treatment
Minor - first aid only, no lost time
Very Likely - could happen frequently
Likely - could happen occasionally
Unlikely - could happen, but rare
Very unlikely - could happen, probably never will
Task 1, PART A- Identify a common workplace hazard, then complete the enclosed risk assessment form. Or you may utilise one from your own workplace or placement. [Do not complete the task based on infection exposure/ infection control- please choose another hazard.]
The risk assessment form should:
1. Describe the hazard
2. Identify the risk rating (include risk descriptors about consequences and likelihood e.g. major, moderate etc.)
3. Include a WHS action plan, developed to address the hazard. Control Actions will refer to the Hierarchy of Control. - Research will be required to answer this adequately
4. Refer to the current procedures relating to the hazard, and what may need to be changed
5. List adequate allocation of staff responsibility for Control Actions, and time frames for follow up
If you need the form in word format so you can edit and add rows, etc. and you don't have it - ask your trainer to email it to you.
Researching the hazard identified will assist you to answer this Task.
See the risk assessment form completed example in the Learning Materials Appendix.
Task 1, PART B- Once you have completed the risk assessment form, refer to the same hazard and answer the following questions:
1. Describe what may occur if the hazard is not dealt with, and why you allocated the risk rating you gave in your report. (e.g. why was the hazard rated as 'unlikely' or 'major')?
2. Write a report on the hazard which can be given to WHS committee or supervisor. This report should evaluate the hazard in line with legislation and industry guidelines and draw on researched information about the hazard to support your judgments about the hazard.
3. Where is all this information stored? How can you assist in maintaining documents?
4. How would you monitor and review the risk management of the hazard in future?
Task 2 - Consultation
You will carry out a WHS information session with a group of workers in your workplace.
1. Outline how you provided information to the workers about workplace policies and procedures. The outline should answer the following:
a. How was the meeting organised?
b. How did you decide what information to present?
c. Why would you demonstrate of personal protective equipment (PPE) where required for the job role?
2. Describe your consultation with workers regarding the outcomes of a workplace risk assessment (for example, how did you consult with workers following the risk assessment you completed in task 1?).
In your answer include the following:
a. What information about the risk assessment was communicated to workers?
b. What communication was received from workers?
c. How might workers contribute to risk controls and measures developed as part of the risk assessment process?
Task 3 - Simulate Emergency Procedure
You are required to coordinate a fire drill in a simulated environment and write a short report.
1. Describe the Emergency Procedure (include in your answer the length of time taken to coordinate the evacuation)
2. What worked well?
3. What needs revision?
Assessment 1 - Human Resource Responsibilities
Work health and safety is everyone's responsibility.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of each of the following:
1. PCBU (persons conducting a business or undertaking)
2. Workers
3. Officers
4. HSRs (Health and Safety Representative)
5. HSCs (Health and Safety Committee)
6. Why is it important to have a designated person to raise issues?
Assessment 2 - Obligations
Work Health and Safety legislation impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice and industry standards.
1. List the State / Territory WHS Authorities
2. List the name and website URL of the WHS Authority in your state or territory.
3. Outline legislative requirements for record-keeping and reporting system covering:
a. documentation of any WHS issues, risks and procedures (200 words)
b. incident investigation and recording of any accidents (200 words)
4. Describe: What are due diligence and general duty requirements
5. List 2 industries or types of work site that have a particular regulatory requirement or code of practice related to WHS issues. Summarise why this is the case.
6. What are the legislative requirements for WHS consultation?
Assessment 3 - Hazards
1. What is a hazardous manual task?
2. List the procedure for two (2) of the following manual tasks:
a. lifting a box
b. pulling down an item that is above your head
c. pushing a heavy item about 2 metres
d. lifting an individual
3. Briefly describe two infection control measures at your workplace (one must be personal protective equipment).
4. Outline how you can support your team and ensure that these infection control measures are undertaken correctly and consistently. (250 words)
5. Explain the process for evacuating your workplace.
Assessment 4 -
Explain the importance of having human resources policies and procedures to ensure health and safety in the workplace.
Assessment 5 - Safe Work Design
Research WHS resources online to answer the following:
1. What is Safe Design?
2. Explain each Principle of Safe Work Design
a) Principle 1: Persons with Control
b) Principle 2: Product Lifecycle
c) Principle 3: Systematic Risk Management
d) Principle 4: Safe Design Knowledge and Capability
e) Principle 5: Information Transfer
Assessment 6 - Benchmarking
1. What is Benchmarking?
2. List one area that can be benchmarked in community services and explain the importance of this.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar