
Hlten508b apply reflective practice critical thinking and

Apply reflective practice, critical thinking and analysis in health Assignment - Critical Thinking around Contemporary Issues


This assignment requires the candidate to undertake 9 interviews and then write a report highlighting and critically reflecting on the answers identified by the interviewees.

Part 1 -

a) The interview must be undertaken with people of numerous ages and gender. 

b) The following statements must be used in the interview.

1. Nursing is undertaken in now undertaken in educational institutes such as University and Registered Training Organisations.  What is your opinion and why?

2. Do you feel Nursing should be taught in hospitals. What is your opinion and why?

3. Can you name one influential person whom contributed to the field of nursing?

4. What does the term holistic care mean to you and do you feel this occurs in our aged care facilities and hospitals.  Explain your answer?

5. When I say nurse what is the first word that comes to mind? 

6. Do you feel age and gender is a barrier to being a nurse, explain why?

7. Can you identify the difference between an Enrolled nurse and a Registered Nurse?

8. What in your opinion are the 5 most important issues that nurses face?

9. What in your opinion is the most important issue in health in South Australia and why is that?

Part 2 -

You are to collate the information collected from conducting the 9 interviews and then formulate a report that critically reflects on the answers given.

The report must include the following -

a) Introduction to activity undertaken.

b) The most surprising answer received from the interviews conducted.

c) How you felt the interviews went and what could be done better if you were required to re do this task.

d) Evidence that the answers have been reviewed critically.

e) Consider why you feel people answered certain ways to certain statements.

f) Your feelings on undertaking this task and its usefulness.

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Dissertation: Hlten508b apply reflective practice critical thinking and
Reference No:- TGS01668361

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