Hls420- what is the generic government strategic planning


• Assumption: Your boss knows little about how to use strategic planning as a framework for effective homeland security decision making.

• Address the following in 900 words:

o Assignment: Your assignment is to develop a briefing memo that provides the basics on government strategic planning at an executive level, so that your boss better understands how to use strategic planning as a framework for effective homeland security decision making. Your briefing should include the following:

- What is strategic planning?
- What is the generic government strategic planning process?
- What are some of the successful government strategic planning processes in use today, and why are they successful?
- What are the current trends in government strategic planning?
- Do you have any thoughts on the future of government strategic planning?
- Conclude your memo with the 5 most important concepts and ideas that you think your boss should take away from your briefing memo.

o Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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Dissertation: Hls420- what is the generic government strategic planning
Reference No:- TGS02152117

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