A Critical Thinking Discussion question based a chapter from a book about the American History (I will submit the outline)
Read the outline and then read the question in the end
Answer the question by writing 150 - 200 words.
Also, read the another classmate post and respond or comment on it (10-15 sentences ).
Answer this question
Blamestorming Hitler
Hitler's rise to power in Germany seems to have been one of the most improbable events of recorded history. How do we account for it? That is, how did the conditions in Germany, Hitler himself, and the actions of the other European nations all combine to put Hitler at the head of one of the most powerful states of all time? How was Hitler able to consolidate and increase his power after 1933?
Write a respond to the classmate post based on your thought and answer (Are you agree/disagree, what you like/dislike and Why?)
To end WWI the Germans were forced to sign The Treaty of Versailles, and this treaty imposed severe acts upon the Germans including accepting blame for the war, and to make reparations. The reparations the Germans now owed, the forced reduction in the size of the German army, and the land they had to give away to the neighboring states were all part of The Treaty of Versailles that they were forced to sign.
The treaty greatly impacted the German economy, and Germany's discontent with the state the country was left in grew by the day. The global economic depression that was ongoing hit Germany incredibly hard, leaving many Germans without a job, and unable to provide for themselves and their families. The humiliating defeat of WWI and the economic suffering the Germans were exposed to were all factors that led to the rise of a powerful leader.
The Germans had little to no confidence in their government known as the Weimar Republic. Adolf Hitler was a powerful speaker that made a lot of promises, and meant to lead Germany back to a prosperous state. He promised more jobs, a better future for all, and a new glorious and powerful Germany. These promises were mostly influential to the audience that was struck with unemployment.
I believe the most influential part of all was Hitler's manner of speaking, as he was a great speaker, and he knew exactly how to influence and convince the Germans. Even though Hitler's party the Nazis lost a lot of popularity over the course of time, and Hitler even lost the presidential election in 1932, he was able to gain more grounds in 1933. After losing the presidential election in 1932, and careful consideration Hitler decided to include more of his personal life in his campaign, and to promote himself as a moral man.
During this time Hitler gained support from many industrial companies as well. President Paul von Hindenburg was pressured by influences from the outside as the parliamentary elections failed to form a majority government. Eventually, Paul von Hindenburg submitted to the pressure placed upon him, and he named Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. In 1933, the Reichstag building was set on fire, and the communists were blamed for this event.
This enabled Hitler to seize emergency power, and allowed him to arrest his political enemies. With his political enemies detained, Hitler pushed a new law through known as the Enabling Act. This act basically enabled Hitler's cabinet to push a legislation through without the consent of the parliament. As Hitler successfully overthrew his political enemies, and he gained popularity as a good and moral man by his promoting, he was able to climb the ladder to dictatorship incredibly fast. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler was able to seize full control over Germany, and eventually lead the Germans into WWII.
I believe everyone knows that to a certain extend that other countries were also responsible for WWII, as we imposed impossible acts upon Germany after WWI. I am sure no one saw WWII coming, but in hindsight I believe that it was a huge mistake to impose these severe treaties on Germany. Although, I think that all nations involved in The Treaty of Versailles should assume some responsibility to the consequences of the treaty, I do believe that ultimately Germany was to blame once again for starting another war.
Attachment:- henretta_7e_chapter_24_outline.rar