History of your hometown police department

Conduct an on-line search for a history of your hometown police department (Dubai police department). If you can't find anything on-line, you can also check with your town library or call the Public Information Officer at your hometown PD. Gather demographics about the police department to briefly describe its current make-up. Additional prompts you should include are the date it was formed; structure of agency and duties of officers when first formed; significant historical people in the department; a general history of the department; significant case(s) or incident handled by the department;and what is unique about the department? The focus is on the past, not present.

Write a brief summary of your findings (no more than three to five pages). Be sure to reference your sources and particularly the web site(s) you used for your data/information.

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Other Subject: History of your hometown police department
Reference No:- TGS0673741

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