
History of usa

Question 1:

a) Describe the factors which helped America in colonies to win their independence.
b) Describe how far Federal Constitution was an enhancement over the Articles of Confederation?

Question 2:

a) Examine the chief features of the Jeffersonian Democracy.
b) Trace out the origin and importance of Munro-Doctrine.

Question 3:

a) Examine the events leading to the Civil War of 1861-65
b) Describe the social and economic consequences of the growth of Big Business.

Question 4:

a) Describe the causes and outcomes of the Spanish-American War of 1898.
b) Estimate Theodor Roosevelt as a progressive president.

Question 5:

a) Critically examine the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
b) What were the factors which contributed for the success of U.S.A. in World War II?

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History: History of usa
Reference No:- TGS05418

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