Chief Complaint: "I need help" Overview: Client reports being referred by his cousin. He reports a history of sleep disturbance related to mind racing when drinking alcohol. He finds it hard to maintain and induce sleep. His occupation is a real-estate agent, specializing in condominium homes. Client denies depressive symptoms other than when "I am alone". And he noted that he usually avoids being alone. Client describes himself as being "co-dependent." Being alone also causes him to feel anxious. He described this anxiety as pacing and shaking his leg. Client reported irritability on nights that he does not drink. He noted having periods of being "up and down." Client's mother and his current boss have commented on his "moodiness." Client believes that his mood is dependent upon how well he slept the night before and how much alcohol he consumed the night before. Identify and write up your INITIAL differential diagnosis list and a list of additional questions, Based on your INITIAL list of differentials and the client data that you already have, what data would you need (or expect the client to provide) to help you establish or confirm a primary diagnosis? Need Professional Help?