
History of los angeles earthquakes


In 2010, U.S. Congressman Hank Johnson made a comment that raised some eyebrows. In a discussion about a plan to add US troops to a base on the Pacific island of Guam, Johnson stated his concerns that adding more troops could weigh down the island so as to have it tip over and capsize. Johnson later stated that he was talking about how the extra troops would hinder the island's limited infrastructure. Read about Johnson's ideas.

Look at another possible scenario dealing with California earthquakes. A large portion of California sits along the San Andreas Fault, part of which has a transform plate boundary that is a very active area for earthquakes. Because of this, some people think that a massively huge earthquake (aka "the big one") is in California's future. Some people even go so far as to argue that this huge earthquake could result in Los Angeles becoming an island, instantly separated from the rest of the continental United States, while others argue against this idea. Read about the history of Los Angeles earthquakes.


1. Would the likelihood of an earthquake shape your decision on where to live? Why or why not? Include your personal experiences or knowledge about earthquakes in your answer.

2. Knowing what you now know about plate tectonics, is there any scientific validity to Johnson's initial claim? Is there any evidence to support this hypothetical scenario presented by Johnson? How could Johnson's idea shape public policy?

3. Your job is to create an argument about Johnson's idea. Pick a side of the debate and provide the information to answer the following questions:

• What is your claim?

• What is the evidence to support your claim?

• Why do you think your evidence is reliable and trustworthy?

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Other Subject: History of los angeles earthquakes
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