
History of indian economy

1. Discuss the nature of polity which evolved in Tamilaham in the early historic period. 20
2. Assess the nature of Gupta polity. 20
3. Critically examine the views of historians regarding the process of transition to early
medieval period in North India. What are the various perspectives on the nature of early
medieval polity in North India? 20
4. Write a note on the features of state under the Delhi Sultanate giving reference to
Mudabbir’s and Barani’s texts. 20
5. Analyse the nature of colonial state focusing on the instruments of control and legitimation
adopted by the British.6. Describe the administrative system of the Mauryas? 20
7. What were the chief characteristics of nayaka and ayagar system under the Vijaynagar
rulers? 20
8. Give a brief account of the administrative system in Bengal in the 18th century. 20
9. What were the orientalist and evangelical perceptions regarding India’s socio-political
system during the colonial period? 20
10. Write short notes on the following in about 250 words each. 10+10
a) Mansab system under the Mughals
b) Kingdom of Bengal in the 14th and 15th centuries.

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History: History of indian economy
Reference No:- TGS0855033

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