History of changing-scientific consensus on climate change

Assignment task:

Do you agree with these statements? Why

1- In Rahm's Chapter 14 of Climate Change Policy, policies and strategies are developed by the United States. The chapter discusses the climate changes' history of changing and a scientific consensus on climate change. It began in the Industrial Revolution when human releases of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. This has resulted in a dangerous anthropogenic addition to GHG levels which has attributed to global warming alongside of methane, nitrous, oxide, CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs. Since the turn of the 20th century the Earth's surface air temperatures have raised nearly 2ºF and this increase has led to an increase in land, air, and ocean temperatures with less snow cover, retreating glaciers, less sea ice, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, heavy precipitation events, intense storms, droughts, heatwaves, and massive forest fires. While writing this paper with a massive heat wave coming to Bridgewater the effects of global warming are noticed almost daily. It seems there's a new forest fire somewhere or my entire ski season is ruined by such little snow up north.

2- Global warming is placed, in different environmental studies, as the central issue, because it has been scientifically proven that the global average temperature has increased due to the emission of greenhouse gases. Hence, the fight against air pollutants and the reduction and management of solid waste are of crucial importance in the set of measures that countries have been taking. This fight takes place on several fronts, upstream and downstream; On the one hand, countries are adopting stricter legal and regulatory measures, conditioning the emission of gases, on the other hand, they are promoting energy transition policies with the aim of reducing or even eliminating the use of fossil energy.

Even where gases are emitted, it is necessary to invest in carbon capture technologies. All of these measures are subsidized by citizenship campaigns to increase awareness of environmental protection.

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Science: History of changing-scientific consensus on climate change
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