
History and development of ethnography


Answer the following questions in about 500 words.

Question1) Explain the history and development of ethnography. Reflect on the methods and techniques used in ethnography.

Question2) Write in detail about functionalists and the feminists approaches used in ethnography.

Question3) Discuss the fieldwork and intellectual context of the ethnography Notes on Love in a Tamil Family.

Question4) Analyse F.G. Bailey’s work Caste and the Economic Frontiers: A Highland Village in Orissa emphasizing the relation between caste and land.

Question5) Write brief notes with reference to the ethnographies discussed in the course

a) Marriage

b) Caste hierarchy


Answer the following questions in about 250 words.

Question6) M. N. Srinivas’ work Religion and Society among the Croogs of South India is a significant contribution to the understanding of how the structural-functional approach may be used for understanding ritual and social life of people. Discuss.

Question7) Explain the ethnography Coming of Age in Somoa by Margaret Mead with emphasis on social organisation and rites de passage.

Question8) With reference to the ethnography Identity, Gender and Poverty, discuss how women become boundary markers for group identity.

Question9) Describe Community Development Projects in light of the ethnography India’s changing Villages.

Question10) Write brief notes with reference to the ethnographies discussed in the course

a) Religious Movements

b) Gonds of Andhra Pradesh

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Other Subject: History and development of ethnography
Reference No:- TGS02755

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