
History 102 why lawson tells us are the sewees a much

Answer the following Question :

Using the hyperlinks for all 5 sections, read and answer in brief 3-5 sentences or less,per question, with brief answers in each section with relevant, competent, properly cited or quoted, college level, professionally written, completed content?

Answer the following questions on the primary source documents. Answer in your own words as much as possible. Answers do not need to be in complete sentences. Please type every answers using bold text.


Document 1: Richard Frethorne to his parents, 1623. "The Experiences of an Indentured Servant"

1. What does Frethorne describe as diet?

2. Who is the "enemy" that Frethorne says he lives in fear of?

3. What happened to Frethorne's cloak?

4. What is the name of the couple that took pity on Frethorne?

5. What does Frethorne ask his parents to send to him?


Document 2: Nathaniel Bacon, "Bacon's Declaration in the Name of the People," 1676.

1. What is Bacon's first charge?

2. Explain Bacon's fourth charge.

3. What is Bacon saying by his signature on the Declaration?


Document 3: John Lawson, A New Voyage to Carolina, 1709.

1. What does Lawson see the Sewee Indians doing to the Cane Swamps?

2. Why, Lawson tells us, are the Sewees a much smaller nation in 1709 than they had been previously?

3. What English beverage do the Indians particularly enjoy?

4. Why did the Indians seek to build a fleet of canoes and sail to England?


Document 4: Johann Martin Bolzius, "Reliable Answer to Some Submitted Questions Concerning the Land Carolina," William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. 14, no. 2 (April 1957): 225-239, 254-261.

1. What is the state of property holding in Carolina, Georgia?

2. What restrictions does Carolina, Georgia have on slave holding at the time of Bolzius' pamphlet?

3. What food is available in Carolina, Georgia (what do people eat)?

4. How dangerous does Bolzius view the Indians?

5. How costly does Bolzius determine owning slaves?

6. How does one clear land for a field in Carolina, Georgia?

7. Does Bolzius think that colonial government is despotic?

8. How much rice can one slave cultivate, according to Bolzius?

ANS 8 - New land 5 acres in one ear, old & grassy land/field, not more than 3 acres


Document 5: George Whitefield, "To the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South-Carolina, concerning their Negroes," 1740.

NOTE: This document is going to be hard to read, primarily because of the printing style. Notice that Benjamin Franklin printed this pamphlet - yes, that Benjamin Franklin!!! In the 18th century, printers used a letter called the "Long S."

The Long S looks like a lower-case "f." If you look at the first page of the Letter III (page 13), read the first four words - "As I lately paffed." Paffed is really "passed." The lower-case s is rendered as an "f." You will have to pay attention as you read.

1. Why, according to Whitefield, does God have a "quarrel" with the people of the southern colonies? (pg. 13)

2. To the treatment of what animals does Whitefield compare the treatment of slaves by their southern masters? (pg. 13)

3. What has been Whitefield's reaction to seeing the beautiful landscape of the southern farms and plantations? (pg. 14)

4. Why, according to Whitefield, are many masters keeping their slaves ignorant of Christianity? (page 15, top)

5. What, according to Whitefield, has recently happened in South Carolina, a sign of God's displeasure with them? (page 16)

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History: History 102 why lawson tells us are the sewees a much
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