
Historical overview of the typology

In this Typology Report you are required to:

Provide an historical overview of the typology, that is, its origins and its development over time right up to the present. In explaining the evolution of this typology you are to:

1. Choose three (3) major examples of the project type (Hospitality typology – THEY ALL MUST BE RESTAURANTS). The three buildings/projects that you select should:

– Each represents a highly significant example of the type.

– Each exemplifies a design approach that is distinctive. (Each site must be designed by a different architect).

– Together demonstrate a development of the type over time. That time difference could be centuries or just decades. One of the three sites must have been completed in the last ten years.

– Each example needs to be a like type. For example, a menswear retail type is not the same like type as a kitchenware retail type even though they are both retail. You would have to choose 3 x menswear retail stores or 3 x kitchenware retail stores.

2. Locate at least three (3) published references for each building that refer to the building’s plan and interiors + a plan/plans for each building.

3. In essay format, draw on these references and plans together with your own observations and understanding, in order to…

a) Justify your choice of sites. You need to explain their significance in relation to the specific building/project type. For example, if they are generally considered to be major examples of their type, why is that? Did they break with convention or did they provide fresh interpretations of traditional forms? Have they been highly influential? If so, in what ways?

b) Physically describe each of the (3) buildings/projects with particular emphasis on their plans and interiors

c) Critically analyse 3 differences in design approach (compare and contrast the three buildings/projects) and why those differences exist. Think in terms of the period in which the building/project was designed, aesthetic values, functional requirements, plan and circulation, layout, form/space, scale/volume, lighting, joinery, colour, technology, relationship to site, materials, distinctive features, etc.

Remember that you need to demonstrate that you have reflected on, and interpreted the information drawn from your sources in relation to the tasks posed. All analysed insights need to be communicated with an image (photograph and/or drawing).

You will be expected to refer to at least nine (9) publications that you have closely consulted in the course of your research. (Please refer to Research & Referencing section below regarding appropriate source material – Internet sources will not be accepted). These references need to be contained within the report and appropriately acknowledged. A list of References with full details of the publications and other sources used should be included at the end of the Study.

Note: it can be helpful to limit your investigations to one broad geographical area, for example: Europe, South East Asia, and North America. Alternatively you could compare and contrast a typology’s development across cultures. But always keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is to lay the foundations for your individual investigations into the three built projects you choose as your precedent studies. (THEY HAVE TO BE IN ONE BROAD GEOGRAPHICAL AREA)

Design Studio Component: In 300 words, students are required to write a summary statement which highlights how their understanding of the three spatial differences highlighted in the typology report can/have been spatially translated through their design studio project. Summary statements are to also be presented to design studio tutors for further discussion.

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Reference No:- TGS01426158

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