Historical Handbooks
Every library receives queries regarding dates and events in history. Historical handbooks provide information regarding events, discoveries, achievements in literature, music, art, science and technology in a particular year in different countries of the world. They are generally arranged alphabetically or chronologically. They also provide historical information of the world.
The Time Tables of History: A Chronology of World Events Based on W. Steins Kulturfahr Plan/by Bernard Grunt. Rev. ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987.
Rulers and Governments of the World. London and New York: Bowker, 1977-78.
3 vols.
Vol.1- Earliest to : 1491/compiled by Martha Ross
Vol.2 - 1492-1929/compiled by Bertold Spuler
Vol.3 -1930-1975/compiled by Bertold Spuler and others.
The People's Chronology: A Year by Year Record of Human Events from Pre-history to the Present/by J. Trager. Rev. ed. New York: Henry Holt, 1992.