
Historical development of e-learning

Question 1:

Illustrate out the term curriculum. Critically illustrate the types and principles of the curriculum development.

Question 2:

Illustrate out the uses of the instructional objective in the planning teaching.

Question 3:

Illustrate out the different concept attainment models of the learning.

Question 4:

Illustrate out the term teleconferencing. Describe the types and benefits of the teleconferencing.

Question 5:

Illustrate out the concept the of total quality management. Describe the different measures taken to improve total quality management in the educational institution.

Question 6:

Illustrate out the historical development of e-learning in our country. Describe the teacher’s role in utilising technology in and learning teaching process.

Question 7:

Write down the principles of the test construction. Critically discuss the qualities of the good test.

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Other Subject: Historical development of e-learning
Reference No:- TGS011971

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