
Historical context about harlem renaissance

1. Response to the following True or False:

1. Over five hundred Americans died when the Luisitania was sunk a German submarine.

2. The Panama Canal cost slightly over three billion dollars to build.

3. Teddy Roosevelt ordered General John J. Pershing on a punitive expedition to seize Francisco (Pancho) Villa in Mexico.

4. On June 28, 1914, a Balkan assassin in the service of Serbia murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.

5. The United States declared on Germany twenty-one days after the sinking of the Lusitania.

6. Wilson campaigned in 1916 on an anti-war theme.

7. Over half a million American soldiers died during World War I.

8. Congress overrode the veto of Woodrow Wilson and passed the Espionage Act of 1917.

9. The American Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

10. In 1919, Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote.

11. The United States became the dominant member of the League of Nations.

12. The National Origins Act of 1924 restricted immigrants from England.

13. During World War I, 370,000 people were inducted into the American armed forces.

14. Attorney General Palmer rounded over 20,000 suspected communists in a single evening.

15. The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's was anti-black and pro-Italian, pro-Jewish and pro-Catholic.

16. During the 1920's, The NAACP moved their headquarters to San Francisco.

17. Antiforeign hysteria climaxed in the trial of two anarchist immigrants from Italy, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.

18. By 1929, the United States had 377 buildings more than seventy stories high.

19. Unemployment in 1932 had swelled to 25% of the workforce.

20. During the 1920's, factory production went up 90% but the wages of industrial workers had only gone up 20%.

21. During the Great Depression, Asians were often the first to lose their jobs.

22. By 1927, Hoover's efforts to overcome the depression had clearly failed.

23. Franklin Roosevelt came from a working-class family.

24. The 1932 presidential election was one of the closest in American history.

25. Frances Perkins was the first woman female cabinet member in American history.

26. The Civilian Conservation Corp provided jobs for the elderly.

27. The Hoover Dam revitalized the Alabama economy.

28. Dorothea Lange worked as a photographer for the Farm Securities Administration in the 1930's.

29. Dr. Francis Townsend proposed giving a stipend of $300.00 a month to poor mothers with dependent children.

30. Huey Long was deported to Ireland on September 8, 1935 after he was implicated in a plot to kill Harry Truman.

31. The Wagner Act led to the revitalization of the American labor movement.

32. Franklin Roosevelt became the first president to advocate protection for the elderly.

33. Franklin Roosevelt named fifteen justices to the Supreme Court.

34. Congress made the minimum wage $3.00 an hour in 1938.

35. Japan invaded Australia in 1940.

36. Relations with Latin America deteriorated during the Roosevelt administration.

37. France and England declared war on Germany in 1939 after Germany unleashed an attack on Poland.

38. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed 15 battle ships and 8 aircraft carriers.

39. Japan and Germany fought separate wars during World War II without any attempt at cooperation.

40. Charles Lindbergh was one of the early advocates of the United State entry into World War II.

41. The Lend-Lease of 1941 allowed to the United States to sell, lend, lease or transfer war materials to any country whose defense the president declared as vital to that of the United States.

42. Despite a nonaggression pact, German armies had penetrated deep into the Soviet Union after an initial invasion in June 1941.

43. The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the battle against Hitler in the early years of the war.

44. By March 1941, Germany had been driven out of Africa, leaving behind over 600,000 troops.

45. The Battle of Midway ended with the loss of 25 American aircraft carriers and 3 Japanese aircraft carriers.

46. The Japanese victory at Midway reversed the balance of naval power in the Pacific and put the Americans at a disadvantage until the end of 1943.

47. Farmers shared in the new prosperity as their incomes quadrupled between 1940 and 1945.

48. Roosevelt decided not to run for a fourth term because of health concerns.

49. The first atomic bomb was tested in the Mohave Desert on June 6, 1943.

50. President Truman officially endorsed Stalin's iron curtain speech.

51. The containment policy was first proposed by George Kennan.

52. The Truman Doctrine was established at the end of the Korean War.

53. NATO was founded by the Soviet Union to counter the growing influence of the United States

54. The Marshall Plan forced the Germans and Japanese to pay 12 billion dollars in war reparations and devastated both countries' economies.

55. The National Securities Act of 1947 established the Defense Department.

56. The Japanese denounced war in their constitution created after World War II.

57. In 1947, Truman initiated a loyalty program, ordering security checks on government employees to root out communists.

58. In 1950, the United States gave aid to Ho Chi Minh to help drive the Russians out of Vietnam.

59. President Kennedy asked Congress to pass on enormous tax cut in 1963 to stimulate the economy.

60. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was promptly signed into law by President Kennedy.

61. The Students for A Democratic Society was a conservative organization founded by Senator Barry Goldwater.

62. The National Organization for women was founded in 1953.

63. The Brown v Board of Education of Topeka case challenged the Plessy v Ferguson case.

64. In 1962, the United States launched the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth.

65. President Kennedy publicly blamed Eisenhower for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

66. The climax of the March on Washington was Martin Luther King's eloquent description of his dream for a united America.

67. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was promptly signed into law by President Kennedy.

68. It was Vietnam rather than Latin America that became Lyndon Johnson's obsession and led ultimately to his political downfall.

69. Martin Luther King's denunciation of the Vietnam War cost him the support of the Johnson administration and the more conservative civil rights groups such as the NAACP and the Urban League.

70. Nixon oversaw the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency.

71. Nixon planned to use American trade to induce Soviet cooperation while improving U.S. relations with China.

72. In 1993, President Carter signed the Defense of Marriage Act.

73. President Reagan embraced the concept of supply side economics as the remedy for the nation's economic ills.

74. Clinton's veto of the NAFTA agreement was overridden be Congress.

2. Identification Questions: Discuss who or what, when, and historical context about the following.


Versailles Treaty

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harlem Renaissance

Ku Klux Klan (modern)

The Hundred Days

Herbert Hoover

Civilian Conservation Corps

D Day



Marshall Plan

Harry Truman

John F. Kennedy

Brown v. Board of Education

Martin Luther King

Cuban Missile Crisis

Korean War

Gul of Tonkin Resolution.

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History: Historical context about harlem renaissance
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