
Hist 202 what are epigenetic modifications and how do they

Epigenetics: In Their Nurture

Instructions: Read the article in Nature: "In their Nurture", and answer the following questions usingcomplete sentences.

NOTE: When answering the following questions, make an effort to paraphrase any information from the attached articles correctly and avoid plagiarism by ensuring that you are using your own words.PLEASE TYPE ALL ANSWERS into the document under each question or on a separate piece of paper with each answer numbered. Each question should have answers consisting of at least one short paragraph (2-3 sentences). The last question should consist of at least 2 short paragraphs.


1.What are epigenetic modifications and how do they affect DNA? What are two common types of epigenetic changes mentioned in the article?

2.How could a mother rat's preening help her pups deal with stress as adults (on a genetic level)?

3.Why are some scientists skeptical of Meaney and Champagne's work?

4.What is your opinion of the role epigenetics plays in behavior of offspring? What are the greater implications for the old "nature vs nurture" argument? Give me at least 3 sentences here.I am interested in your thoughts on this subject.

Extra Credit -

1.Visit a history museum, historical site, listen to a radio program on a historical topic, or watch a documentary on a historical topic. The only requirement is that the museum, site, radio program, or documentary must focus on American history and it must also focus mainly on the post-Civil War period. If you areunsure if a certain museum, historic site, or documentary is eligible for extra credit, please email me and check to be sure. Plantations and Civil War battlefields and sites will not count.

2.Write a one-page paper summarizing what you learned from the experience. Your paper must include specific information about the museum or documentary that demonstrates that you have actually watched the entire program or visited the museum. If you decide to watch a documentary, make sure you write about the entire program and not just the first five minutes.

This will not demonstrate to me that you actually watched the whole program and you will not get any credit for it if you do. You can do up to TWO extra credit papers. Each paper is worth a maximum of five percentage points added to your lowest examgrade. It will probably only raise your final grade by a maximum of three to four percentage points.

3.Submit extra credit papers through the Moodle assignment link provided. If you are doing two extra credit papers, you will be able to upload both files in the same submission.

Most history museums in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or Houston should work. Art museums, science museums, children's museums, and art galleries will not count unless there is significant historical subject matter presented.

Lake Charles:

1) Mardi Gras Museum of Imperial Calcasieu, 809 Kirby/In the Central School Arts & Humanities Center, Lake Charles

Tuesday-Friday 1-5; Admission: $3 adults, $2 children/seniors

2) Imperial Calcasieu Museum, 204 W. Sallier St., Lake Charles (write on the historical exhibits only)

Tuesday - Saturday: 10-5; Admission: $5 adults, $2 children/seniors

3) USS Orleck Naval Museum, 604 N. Enterprise Blvd., Lake Charles

Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Admission: $10 adults, $8 seniors, $5 active military with ID, children 5 and under free.


1) Brimstone Museum and Henning Cultural Center, 900 South Huntington, Sulphur

Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 12 & 1 - 5 PM; Saturdays: 10-2



1) DeQuincey Railroad Museum, 400 Lake Charles Ave., DeQuincy; Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m.- 5p.m.


1) Southern Forest Heritage Museum, 77 Long Leaf Rd, Long Leaf, LA

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9AM to 4PM, Sunday - 1PM to 4PM, Monday - By appointment only

Admission: Seniors - $7.00, Children (6-12) - $5.00, Adults - $8.00, Ride the M-4 + tour $10.00



1) Louisiana History Museum, 503 Washington Street, Alexandria, LA

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00am to 4:00pm

Admission is free


Historical Documentaries Available Online

All of the documentaries listed here will count as extra credit. If you have a documentary that is not on this list that you would prefer to watch from the History Channel or another source, you must email me with the title and get permission first before turning in an extra credit paper on it. Failure to do so will result in extra credit not being awarded.


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History: Hist 202 what are epigenetic modifications and how do they
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