After locating a useful book/article--and remember that ".edu" and ".gov" sites are the most reputable places to research--your assignment is to write a 300-word review (double spaced Times New Roman 12 font) about the research you found.
In the first paragraph, explain the topic you selected. Just write four of five sentences introducing the topic and sharing what you know about the topic from our lectures or the assigned readings. That would be paragraph number one.
In paragraph two, please share something new that you learned about the topic from your research. That would also be four or five sentences in which you work to connect what we studied with something that you discovered. I have posted a full/complete example of what I think a good library assignment document looks like on Blackboard. Please feel free to copy the style and structure closely.
• Margaret Sanger.
• Carry Nation
• Platt amendment.
• Zimmerman Telegram.
• Black Tuesday.
• Homestead Act.
• Pullman Car Strike.
• Nan Britton Affair