
His ability to analyze the relationship between cause and

The key to solving any problem in personal, academic, and professional environments is to first identify the cause(s). Any time you try to answer the question "Why?," you use causal analysis. This ability to analyze the relationship between cause and effect is a very important trait for success. In this Discussion Board assignment, you will practice this critical reasoning skill by preparing a cause-and-effect or problem-solution outline post and then peer review the posts of your classmates.

Think of an issue or a problem that you have observed within your city, town, workplace, neighborhood, or civic group. Be sure to pick something that you are willing to share with your classmates. Prepare a post that provides a brief description of the situation, and then present a cause-and-effect or problem-solution outline of the issue or problem. Review the posts of at least 2 of your classmates.

Specifically, your post should include the following:

A brief description of the issue or problem
The focus of your outline (cause-and-effect, or problem-solution)
A thesis statement
3 body paragraph topic sentences
A concluding paragraph

Example below of how it should be:

Focus on Effects: Violent video games Thesis: Violent video games have damaging effects on children. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 1: The first damaging effect is that the child has trouble distinguishing between fantasy violence and real violence. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 2: The second damaging effect is that the child begins to see violence as an acceptable way to solve conflicts. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 3: The third damaging effect is that the child can become more violent to others and to him- herself. Conclusion: Parents should limit children's access to these games. Focus on Causes: Increase in school shootings Thesis: The shocking increase in school shootings over the last decade can be traced to 3 preventable causes. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 1: The first cause is the skyrocketing number of military-type weapons in our society and public access to them. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 2: The second cause is the lack of effective security at schools. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 3: The third cause is the continued celebration of war and killing in the militaristic culture of America. Conclusion: As Americans, we must address these causes. Focus on Problem-Solution: Online Predators Thesis: Parents must take steps to protect their children from the problem of online predators. Body Paragraph: Topic Sentence 1: The first step parents can take is to install child-protection software on any internet-enabled device to limit sites


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Other Subject: His ability to analyze the relationship between cause and
Reference No:- TGS02224043

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