
Hirschmans article-off-duty-out of work

Discipline, Suspension & Termination (Handbooks, Wrongful Discharge, Procedural issues)

In Hirschman's article, "Off-Duty, Out of Work" from HR Magazine, February 2003, read about one man's quest to retain his job after being terminated for his personal-time activities. Hirschman, C. (2003, Feb). Off-duty, out of work. HRMagazine, 48(2), 50-56. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from

https://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=286023891&sid=13&Fmt=3&clientId =29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD

Using the materials from your background readings, research, and the case, answer the following questions:

Q1. Why wasn't Mr. Oiler protected by Federal law? Why wasn't he protected by state law? Was there a privacy law that applied to Mr. Oiler? Be specific in your answer.

Q2. What do the terms "just cause," "due process," "employment at will," and "wrongful discharge" mean? Do any of these terms relate to Mr. Oiler's situation? Why?

Q3. What is meant by a "progressive discipline system"? Be specific. Do you think this applied or should have applied to Mr. Oiler's situation? Why?

Q4. If Mr. Oiler's termination would have happened today would/might there be a different outcome? Why? Support your response with research.

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