
Highway engineering - considering total reaction time of

Question 1. An ascending gradient of 1 in 100 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50. The length of summit curve required to provide overtaking sight distance of 500 m will be

a) 938 m

b) 781 m

c) 470 m

d) 170 m

Question 2. The design speed of a highway is 80 km/hr and the radius of circular curve is 150 m in plain topography. Which of the following is the minimum length of transition curve?

a) 174 m

b) 85 m

c) 142 m

d) 120 m

Question 3. A vehicle moving at 60kmph on an ascending gradient of a highway has to come to stop position to avoid collision with a stationary object. The ratio of lag to brake distance is 6:5. Considering total reaction time of the driver as 2.5 seconds and coefficient of longitudinal friction as 0.36, the value of ascending gradient (%) if

a) 3.3

b) 4.8

c) 5.3

d) 6.8

Question 4. Ruling gradient on highways as per IRC in plain terrain is

a) 1 in 30

b) 1 in 60

c) 1 in 100

d) 1 in 200

Question 5. The width of expansion gap is 2.5 cm in a cement concrete pavement. The spacing between expansion joint for a maximum rise in temperature of 30°C is _________ m.

[Take coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete as 10 × 10-6 /°C]

a) 38.45

b) 41.67

c) 58.36

d) 63.54

Question 6. On a hill road a ruling gradient of 5% is provided and has a radius of horizontal curve of 50 m. Design speed on the road is 50 kmph. The compensated gradient of the curve is _________ %.

a) 3 %

b) 3.5 %

c) 4 %

d) 4.5 %

Question 7. As per recommendations of I.R.C., traffic volume study is carried out for rural roads for 7 days continuously during

a) Harvesting

b) Lean season

c) Harvesting and Lean season

d) None of these

Question 8. In a compacted cylindrical bituminous mix , Bulk specific gravity (Gm) = 2.40 , Theoretical specific gravity (Gt) = 2.65 , then percentage voids in the sample is

a) 7.45 %

b) 8.56 %

c) 8.97 %

d) 9.43 %

Question 9. For designing a 2 phase fixed type signal at intersection having North-South and East-West road where only straight ahead traffic is permitted, the following data is available.






Design hour flow(PCU/hr)





Saturation flow( PCU/hr)





Total time lost per cycle is 9 sec. The cycle length (seconds) as per Webster's method is

a) 53

b) 62

c) 107

d) 115

Question 10.  Which of the following statements is/are correct for an uncontrolled right angle intersection of two, 2 lane roads on which traffic is allowed in both directions?

1. Ratio of merging conflict points to crossing conflict points is 2.

2. Ratio of weaving conflict points to merging conflict point is (2/3)

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 and 2

Question 11.  The data given below are obtained for design of a flexible pavement.

Initial traffic = 2000 cvpd

Traffic growth rate = 10% per annum

Design life= 15 years

Vehicle damage factor = 2.8

Distribution factor = 0.75

The design traffic in terms of million standard axles to be catered would be

a) 14.25 msa

b) 25.40 msa

c) 48.70 msa

d) 52.52 msa

Question 12. The speed density (u - k) relationship on a single lane road with unidirectional flow is u = 65 - 0.8 K where u is in km/hr and K is in Veh/km. The capacity of the road is ___________ veh/hr.

a) 1320

b) 1350

c) 1410

d) 1450

Question 13. Design of horizontal curves on highways, is based on

a) Design speed of vehicles

b) Permissible friction on the road surface

c) Permissible centrifugal ratio

d) All the above

Question 14.  An observation car is moving on a one way road of 12 km stretch. This ride takes 35 minutes to reach destination point which includes stoppage of car for 10 minutes. If car was overtaken by 70 vehicles and overtakes 25 vehicles and during stoppage observer counts 40 vehicles, then average speed of vehicle stream on the road is _____________ km/hr.

a) 28.72

b) 37.20

c) 52.52

d) 78.45

Question 15.  In which of the following solvents bitumen dissolves?

1. Carbon disulphide 2. Carbon tetrachloride

3. Benzene 4. Naphtha

a) 1 and 2

b) 2 and 3

c) 3 and 4

d) 1 and 4

Question 16. A 3.5 m wide slab is having thickness of 25 cm and friction factor (f ) is 1.5. The length of slab is 4.5 m and has unit weight of 2400 kg/m3. The tensile stress developed due to seasonal variation is ________ N/mm2.

a) 0.05

b) 0.06

c) 0.07

d) 0.08

Question 17. Consider the following surveys involved in the selection of alignment of a road:

1. Map study            2. Preliminary survey

3. Reconnaissance    4. Detailed survey

The correct sequence of these survey is

a) 1,2,3 and 4

b) 2,1,3 and 4

c) 1,4,2 and 3

d) 1,3,2 and 4

Question 18. In a Marshall sample the bulk specific gravity and theoretical specific gravity of mix are 2.4 and 2.56 respectively. It is known that bitumen is 6% by weight and has specific gravity of 1.10. The magnitude of VFB (Voids filled with bitumen) is

a) 56 %

b) 62 %

c) 68 %

d) 74 %

Question 19. In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is

a) Sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted

b) Premixed with aggregates and then spread

c) Sprayed before the aggregates are spread and compacted

d) None of the above

Question 20. The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is

a) Load stress + warping stress frictional stress

b) Load stress + warping stress + frictional stress

c) Load stress + warping stress

d) Load stress + frictional stress

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Other Engineering: Highway engineering - considering total reaction time of
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