
Higher levels of empowerment and self-care self-efficacy

1. The research hypothesis for the Tsay and Hung (2004) study can be formulated as follows: “Patients with ESRD who obtain the empowerment program have higher levels of empowerment and self-care self-efficacy and are less depressed than those who do not receive the program.” State the null hypothesis for this study.

2. What was the average baseline depression score of the experimental group subjects?

3. Compare the baseline and the posttest means of the self-care self-efficacy variable for the experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer.

4. Which group showed more variability or greater dispersion in their depression posttest scores? Provide a rationale for your answer.

5. What was the arithmetic average of all empowerment posttest scores collected in this study?

6. What variable was affected the most by the empowerment program? Is this an expected result? Provide a rationale for your answer.

7. On average, how long had the ESRD patients been on dialysis? Was there a significant difference between the control and the experimental groups in the length of time they h???een on dialysis?

8. The self-care self-efficacy posttest’s = 96.00 means that:

a. the total sample for the study was 96 subjects.

b. 96 was the average self-care self-efficacy posttest score for the experimental group.

c. 96 was the lowest score the participants could get in order to be accepted into the experimental group.

d. the difference between the experimental and control groups was 96 for self-efficacy.

9. The control group’s baseline empowerment SD = 8.99. What does this statement mean?

Textbook Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook Grove, S. (2007). Statistics for health care research: A practical workbook. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN-13: 9781416002260

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