
High-level business model analysis of flight centre limited

High-Level Business Model Analysis of Flight Centre Limited:

The Case company for the semester is Australia largest travel retail business, Flight Centre Limited (ASX: FLT). Because it is an ASX listed company all announcements made to the market are available on the company website. Continuous disclosure laws mean that all information that may affect the share price must be released to the market. You should have also read the 2013 edition of Family, Village, Tribe.

You must analyse Cardno business model using the template from Johnson, Christensen and Kagermann (2011) “Reinventing Your Business Model . (Article Attached)

There are two components to the assignment. Don bother with an introduction and conclusion; it an analytical exercise rather than an essay.

1. Analysis of Flight Centre Linited as a business model

a) Research the existing information on FLT, including market updates and annual reports. Using the Johnson, Christensen and Kagermann framework of customer value proposition, profit formula and key resources, describe the business model of Flight Centre Limited

b) How well do you think the brands all fit together? Is it logical or are some things unclear to you?

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Reference No:- TGS01436925

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