
High and special quality reflective journal

Reflectives journals.

Description: High and special quality reflective journal. the reflective is about the presentation that we attended last week and we have to write one page about our insight feeling. the reflective should meet the specification of high level. Guide for Reflections: Lead-In Statement (5%) Provide details of who the presenter was and what was covered in the lecture Le. a very brief overview of the presentation. Insights on topic of Reflection (40%) Select only one point/aspect of the lecture to reflect on. It could be delivery style, a concept that you learned or something you knew but understood differently from the presentation. Briefly describe it in one or two sentences, and then elaborate why it captivated you i.e. the reasons you found it interesting, the way it changed your perspective. Do not just write what you learned or found different, but explain the reasons behind them and use a short example presented in the lecture/from your experiences to aid your reasoning (justification). Use an example that can show consequences ($1,000,000 loss in fines/compensation, damage to main reactor which stopped operation, 2 lives lost, etc. and not a generic one like loss in production/lives) or benefits (detailed benefits as explained under consequences). Relation to Theory/ Prior Knowledge (15%) Relate the point you are talking about to the theory taught in the presentation or from a similar reference. Tie it with the example you provided e.g. a from the example, it is evident that people perceive risk differently though the consequences associated with the risk is same – death. This links to the key point from the lecture that people chose different modes of transport as they perceive the risk associated with them according to the likelihood of them happening.a Your perceptions/foresight of learned knowledge/concept in future (40%) Provide details of how the learning/point you made will change the way you deal with things/people/events in future. Do not just state you will follow what you learned but elaborate how it will impact you. For example, ” After learning the quantitative risk assessment of assigning risks on a numerical scale, I feel a greater distinction can be drawn between the different types of risks. I will certainly endeavour to use this type of risk in future. For example, the risk rating in my design project could have brought out a more succinct outlook of magnitude of risks compared to their likelihood of occurrence as shown below (diagram) if I had incorporated a numerical scale for risk categorization as opposed to if I had not.”

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Other Subject: High and special quality reflective journal
Reference No:- TGS01435986

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