
Hi6027 business corporations law evaluation of group

Part A - Business & Corporations Law Evaluation of Group Report 

Prepare a report on given case - Forest vs ASIC 2014.


1. Forrest v ASIC (2014)

2. ASIC v Citigroup (2007)

3. ASIC v Soust (2010)

4. North v Marra Developments Ltd (1981)

5. Fame Decorator Agencies Pty Ltd v Jeffries Industries Ltd (1998)

6. Gambotto v WCP Ltd (1995)

7. Northside Developments Pty Ltd v Registrar-General (1990)

8. Permanent Trustee Aus. Ltd (as Trustee of Advance Property Fund) v Stout & Others (1999)

9. Nassar v Innovative Precasters Group Pty Ltd (2009)

10. McGellin v Mount King Mining NL (1998)

11. Beck v Weinstock (2013)

12. Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq) (1986)

13. ASIC v Hellicar (2012)

14. ASIC v Lindberg (2012)

15. Shafron v ASIC (2012)

16. ASIC v Healey (2011)

17. Vines v ASIC (2006)

18. ASIC v Adler (2002)

19. Brunninghausen v Glavanics (1999)

20. ASIC v Rich (2003

Some of factors  you may like to take into consideration are;        

  • Level of participation in team discussions and activities
  • Helped keep the team focused on the task
  • Contributed useful ideas
  • Did a fair share of workload
  • Quality of output
  • Level of communication and response to task requests

Report format:

  • Introduction
  • Main body of the report
  • Conclusion

Part B - Business Statistics Written Assignment

Purpose of the assessment:

a. Communicate effectively and appropriately in a range of contexts to achieve a high order of speaking, listening, reading, writing, numeracy and communication skills.

b. Engage in self-directed thinking and learning that results continuous learning, resilience, confidence, the acquisition of transferable and time management skills and an ability to learn independently.

c. Apply knowledge of related statistical techniques as related to business problems.

Assignment - Requirement

You are required to produce an essay on "Use of Statistics."

There are three articles available on GA508/MA508 Moodle shell in the folder named "Articles for the Individual Assignment"

Select one of the articles.

Use Business Statistics theory, concepts, tools and terminologies you have learnt from weeks 1 to 4 and analyse the information available in the article to prepare an essay on "Use of Statistics."

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Dissertation: Hi6027 business corporations law evaluation of group
Reference No:- TGS02261972

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