Competitive Strategy Assignment
Assessment Description - Choose 2 of the topics from the following list:
- Global strategy as business model change
- Target markets and modes of entry
- Globalising the value proposition
- Global branding
- Globalising the value chain infrastructure
- Globalising the supply chain
For each topic select 2 organisations (4 in total) from any 2 of the industries listed below, that have successfully applied the chosen theory and critically evaluate their approach and the reasons behind their success with respect to the theory.
Your evaluation should also include counter arguments where available, which consider alternative views on the theory topic or address situations in which an organisation has been successful contrary to the theory's recommendations and why this has been the case.
Industries to select from:
a. Computer industry (hardware or software)
b. ICT industry (Information Communications Technology)
c. Pharmaceutical industry
d. Food / Beverage industry
e. Car Industry
f. Airline Industry
g. Hospitality
This is a group assignment. Every member of the group is expected to be able to discuss all areas of the report and be a fully active participant in the presentation. You should meet many times and discuss the issues identified in the report.
Recommended Structure
Group Report: Your assessment should be submitted in formal report format with an Executive Summary, Main Body, Conclusion and Bibliography. You are recommended to use, at the very least, a Word (or similar) report template to give your report a professional look and feel.
You do not need to define the concepts in detail. Descriptive material has negligible value and should be avoided. The report should focus on analysis, discussion and recommendation, enriched by ideas found in journal articles.
In business you will be expected to produce short well-argued reports. This is where you demonstrate that skill.
Group Presentation: The presentation will take one of two formats.
Either: your group will be required to do an in-class presentation during the tutorials
OR: you will be required to upload your video presentation via YouTube - please see the instructions on blackboard as to how to do this.