
Hi5003nbsp economics for business scarce resources- which

Economics for Business - Topics for Individual essay:

Choose any One of the topics from the following list:

Scarce resources- which resource and in which country/industry are seen as scarce and what is being done in the industry or country. What substitutes have been used to overcome this problem! 

Micro economics - Choose any industry and discuss the reforms done or needed in that industry. 

Demand and supply of a product of your choice and factors that affect the demand and supply sides of the market.

Market structures like Monopoly, Oligopoly and Monopolistic competition in Australia. 

Structure of the Essay-

Introduction - which topic 200 words

Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -700 words

Conclusion 100 words.

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Business Economics: Hi5003nbsp economics for business scarce resources- which
Reference No:- TGS01563890

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