
Hi3042 cross-cultural management and communication -

Cross cultural management and communication Assignment

Assignment Overview

Literature Review: The individual assignment for this subject consists of an in-depth literature review of a specific topic given by the lecturer in Week 2 which largely fall into the areas of "Culture and Business", "Culture and MNCs", "Culture and Communication".

In addition to textbooks, students are expected to include additional academic research from at least five journal articles relevant to the topic under discussion using the Proquest Database, Internet and/or print journals.

Literature Topic Selection

Students will be required to read and provide a formal literature review/critique of the following Journal article on "Culture and Business":

Bird, A. and Mendenhall, M.E., 2016. From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation. Journal of World Business, 51(1), pp. 115-126.

This journal article (PDF) has been placed on Blackboard in the Assignment 1 folder for HI3042.

IMPORTANT: Please note that a "Literature Review" DOES NOT mean simply reading and summarising the article.

Instead students must show:
- That they have identified and understood the article's main thesis statement or hypothesis.
- Identify evidence that the author has provided in the article to justify their argument (both for and against).
- Perform additional external academic research to find other references and sources that support or detract from the overall hypothesis in the article.
- In your conclusion whether you agree or disagree with the author's point of view and provide a summary of the reasons or justification to support your case.
- Provide a list of at least 5 good quality academic research articles and references that you have used in your analysis.

General Guidelines

- Assignment Submission: You must submit BOTH an electronic copy of your assignment to Blackboard Safe Assign, as well as a printed hardcopy by the due date that includes the standard Holmes Institute Assignment cover sheet for Higher Education.

- Safe Assignment: IMPORTANT: You must submit an electronic soft copy of your assignment to the Blackboard ‘Final submission link', then print the blackboard safe assign report and attach it to your hard copy.
o Be aware that SafeAssign might need up to an hour to produce the report, so please check back in time to be able to print out the report.
o Sign and attach an assignment cover sheet to your hard copy, then submit the hard copy to the lecturer in class.
o You should always cite and reference correctly. If your Safe Assignment matching % for this assignment is 20% or more, please check again if you have appropriately cited and referenced all external material.

o Assignment length: 2,000 words

- Format: Standard Academic Essay Format. Students should use a standard font such as Arial 12pt and ensure that their essay is properly formatted and presented. It is suggested that students use 1.5 line spacing to ensure best readability of their completed essay.

- Referencing and Research: Students are required to perform additional research (apart from the recommended text book).
o It is expected that the assignment will include relevant academic research from journals and scholarly articles from at least 5 credible sources.
o All referencing and in-text citations must be presented using Harvard Referencing style.

Article - From cross-cultural management to global leadership: Evolution and adaptation by Allan Bird, Mark E. Mendenhall

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