
Hhow this computer ethic is developed or derived how

Assignment: Computer Ethics Paper Project

Write a research paper as it relates to computer ethics. Your paper should cite at least TWO print sources (magazines and periodicals are OK, but not general encyclopedias like World Book) and TWO Internet sources (other than Wikipedia). Your paper should be properly cited within your text in MLA or APA format and included in a separate "Works Cited" or "References" page at the back of your paper.

Examples of MLA citations are available at:

Examples of APA format are available at:

Major requirements for completion of the research paper:

1. Your paper should consist of five full pages plus the cover page and Works Cited page.
2. Staple all six pages together. No report covers, plast ic folders, binders or other "bling," please.
3. Papers must be submitted by the due date. No late papers will be accepted.
4. Your research topic MUST be approved by the instructor or no grade will be given.
5. Please also include a cover page with only the following information:

- Title of Paper
- Your Name
- Date
- Course # with Instructor's Name

FOR YOUR IN-CLASS PRESENTATION: Plan to spend about five minutes presenting your research topic.

Your paper should be organized according to the following content guidelines (in this order):

1. Introduction: explain what your specific computer ethic is.

2. Pertinent background and information:

a. definition or overview of what the ethic topic is
b. how this computer ethic is developed or derived
c. examples of the computer ethic
d. how it can be avoided or corrected
e. how technology impacts this ethics topic and how the topic impacts technology
f. its impact on society OR pros/cons of the ethics issue

3. Conclusion: why do you think this computer ethic is important? summarize important points discussed in body of your paper.

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Computer Engineering: Hhow this computer ethic is developed or derived how
Reference No:- TGS02774537

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