Hexadecimal Number System
Similar to octal number hexadecimal number system is also used to represent long binary numbers in smaller form. In microprocessor we use hexadecimal numbers to represent binary numbers in smaller length ( on forth of binary number) not even octal number ( which have one third length of the binary number). For example binary number 1010001001102 in octal be written as 50478 and in hexadecimal is written as A 2716.
Hexadecimal number system has base of 16 hence requires 16 requires 16 unique symbols. Since we have 10 unique symbol in digital number system (0-9) we use then all in hexadecimal number systems. But still 6 more unique symbol are required to have total 16 different symbol. Now instead of creating new figures first 6 alphabets ( A, B, C, D, E, and F) are used in this number systems.
Important : A, B, C, D, E, and F, are treated as numbers in hexadecimal number systems like any other number (0-9) and not as alphabets.