
Heuristic estimation methods

Q1. Explain how reliability alters over the life-time of a software product. Why is it hard to measure the reliability of the software product?

Q2. What do you mean by Heuristic Estimation methods? Illustrate the differences among the organic, semidetached and embedded software product in context of the COCOMO model.

Q3. Illustrate the main shortcomings of Lines of Code (LOC) metric as a software size oriented metric. How Function point’s metrics addresses the shortcomings of the LOC metric.

Q4. Write brief notes on any three of the given:

a) Software Testing methods and Strategies.
b) Software Debugging.
c) CASE Tools, Workbench and Environment.
d) PERT and CPM.

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Software Engineering: Heuristic estimation methods
Reference No:- TGS011111

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