Heron method to locate sqaure root of a number
The Heron Method for approximating the square root of a number states that if x is a guess for the square root of n then a better guess x' is:
x' = [x + (n/x)] / 2
Naturally this process can be repeated using x' in place of x the next time through the loop. The loop can stop when the difference between the previous and next guesses is small enough.
A programmer wrote the following code to implement the Heron Method to locate the square root of any number:
function heronSqrt(n)
var DELTA = 1.0E-10;
var nextGuess;
var prevGuess = n;
nextGuess = (prevGuess + (n/prevGuess))/2.0;
prevGuess = nextGuess;
} while (nextGuess-prevGuess > DELTA)
return nextGuess;
However, the code does not work properly. Fix the program so that it works. Also list a set of test cases that will thoroughly exercise the Heron Method code above.
Review the attachment:
Attachment:- Debug Function.rar