
here we have considered the following points1

Here we have considered the following points.

1. Mathematics is omnipresent, powerful and beautiful.

2. Mathematics is useful in all spheres of life.

3. Mathematics can also be used to provide stimulating leisure time activity.

4. Mathematical ideas usually grow from concrete situations to abstract concepts, and from particular cases to general notions.

5. The body of mathematical knowledge is hierarchically constructed, and similarly acquired, in general.

6. Mathematical statements and definitions are precise, clear and unambiguous.

7. To verify a mathematical statement, you need to prove it for all cases. If it is not true for even one case, then it is not true at all.

8. The extensive use of symbols is what makes mathematics a brief, clear, and hence, strong means of communication.

9. Before accepting and using an algorithm in mathematics, you need to understand the reasoning behind it.

10. Mathematical thinking consists of solving problems and posing new ones.

Problem-solving requires the skills of precise thinking and logical reasoning.

11. The skills developed in a child by exposing her to problem-solving enables her to think rationally in real world situations too.

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Mathematics: here we have considered the following points1
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