
Here the strategy for devising a faceset from a floorplan

Use an Indexed Face Set to generate a floor plan showing the floor and walls of a structure with at least 3 rooms in it. Do not add a roof, as it will prevent easily viewing the room layout.

Here's the strategy for devising a faceset from a floorplan:

Start with a floorplan on paper. 
Overlay some kind of grid onto the plan. (The scale is irrelevant, we can scale later) 
Write down the x, y coordinates of every vertex (where walls meet or end.) 
Generate XYZ coordinates for each point. If the 2D drawing has a value at (1, 2), and this is a one-story building, you will need a point at (1, 0, 2) and (1, 1, 2) Note: You are translating the 2D X into a 3D Z value. Use the Y value to specify the top and bottom of each wall. If it's a two-story building, you will need three points at each vertex of your 2D drawing. (1, 0, 2), (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 2). 
When you have written all of these points down, numbered and commented them, so you know what is what, then you are ready to enter them into the coords node of the faceSet. (If you come to lab for help with this project, be sure to bring your sketches!! If you forget, you will likely need to redo them in lab to get your project working, as it is difficult for me to see what you are trying to do without them!!) 
Start building walls, by adding the coordIndex nodes. Build one or just a few at a time, comment which walls they are, and test before adding more walls. 
Once you have added a lot of walls, it's really hard to figure out which one is which. Do your debugging as you build (voice of experience there).

If you need to, use a Transformation to make the entire project easy to view when it is first pulled up with Cortona. If your lab is difficult to view, you will lose points. 

Use appropriate nodes to color the walls at least 3 different colors.

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Basic Computer Science: Here the strategy for devising a faceset from a floorplan
Reference No:- TGS0145672

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