Here is a list of miscellaneous revenue resources received by the government. Categorize them as best you can as 1 user charge 2 licence tax 3. franchise fee, 4 fiscal monopoly . Explain your logic. What are the incentive impacts of each one of the revenue sources?
a. a fee to dispose of used tires
b. fee to reserve books at library
c. a charge for processing the arrest of a drunk driver
d. a charge for emergency services required when a driver causes an accident through negligence.
e. a charge by the fire department to pump water out of basements flooded by a downpour
f. a fee for the services of a probation officer
g. a fee for reviewing developers plans
h. a fee for police response to malfunctioning alarm system
i. a charge for ballfield used by youth athletic league.
j. admission to city zoo
k. a mandatory fee for municipal garbage collection
l. a charge for use of city municipal garbage collection
m. a charge for yacht owners who dock at city marina
n, fees for a summer day camp run by the city parks department