In this writing project, you are tasked with writing an exploratory essay. This means that you will narrate in first-person, chronological order the evolution through time of your thinking about an issue or a problem.
You will begin by introducing the question or problem. Then you will describe your inquiry process as you worked your way through sources or different views. You will conclude your paper by explaining where you are now in your thinking and how your understanding of the problem or question has changed. That is, you will present your current answer to your question based on what you have learned so far.
Look at page 43 in Writing Arguments for an organization plan for an exploratory essay. Further, on pages 44-50 you can find an example of a well-written exploratory essay.
Additional Considerations:
Here are several essays wherein the writers have written exploratory essays:
- Is Polygamy Wrong
- Pros and Cons of a Gap Year
- Should Students Get Jobs During College
- Consider Pros and Cons of Working in College
Here are some helpful links on how to approach an exploratory essay:
- Organizing an Exploratory Essay
- What is an Exploratory Essay and How to Write It
- How to Write an Exploratory Essay with Sample Essays
Here are some topics you might choose from:
- Opposing Viewpoints (click on Opposing Viewpoints link)
- 100 Exploratory Essay Topics with Research and Sample Papers
- Do not choose a dull topic simply because it is convenient. Please. You will be uninvested and I will be uninterested.
- Take your time to really get your thought process down. Write down how you think about a question or problem and continue to register your thoughts and feelings as you research to discover if your thinking is subverted or confirmed or some combination of the two.
- Ask me questions if you have them.