
Helen is the manager of a small department in a mid-size

Please respond to BOTH cases.

Case 1:

Helen is the manager of a small department in a mid-size non-profit organization.

She is struggling with a tough decision-tolerate an employee who is a marginal performer or begin the long tedious process of documentation for poor performance that may lead to termination.

Her employee is Jane.  Jane is responsible for administrative tasks, which she is good at.  She is also responsible for front desk reception, which she is terrible at.  She is highly introverted and really struggles with having to relate to people. 

This organization has very strict guidelines for termination which would involve months of documentation.  It would be very awkward working with Jane in this intimate department during that process if Helen decided to fire her.


Answer the following:

  • What are Helen's options in this situation?
  • What are some of the fears, assumptions, beliefs that she might hold for each option?
  • What actions could Helen take to arrive at a good decision?
  • What quadrant of the Cynefin model does this decision rest in?

Case 2:

Sally has been a professional consultant for organizations, small businesses and non-profits for many years.  A couple of years ago she had the opportunity to be involved in a tech start-up company that had a great product, and great people involved with it.  Because it was a start-up, Sally has been working for equity, but is not otherwise being paid for her work.  She believes that the software is truly going to be valuable for many groups throughout the world and that it will ultimately be profitable and make the world a better place. 

When she first started working with this group, everyone was very excited and eager to work hard to make it a success.  Over time, the founder of the company became more and more anxious about maintaining control and started to become paranoid about other people's motives for being involved. He became increasingly impatient with other people and with dissenting ideas.   He feared being taken advantage of and feared the company would get sold out to corporate interests.  His controlling style and way of shutting down other people's contributions and ideas is casting a negative, oppressive mood over everyone in the organization. 

Sally tried to use her skills as a communicator to bring the founder and the team together and to help them identify their common goals and vision for the company, but feels unable to make a positive difference or shift in the team culture.  People don't speak openly with one another; and some have left, feeling their contributions were no longer recognized or valued. 

Sally is starting to feel burnt out and uncertain about whether her energy is being well spent; she has been experiencing some health problems which she attributes in part to the stress of working in this environment.   She feels she needs to decide whether to continue with this company or leave gracefully.


Answer the following:

  • Are any of the four villains of decision making in evidence here?
  • How can Sally enlarge her options?
  • Is Sally making any assumptions about the situation?
  • What questions could she ask of herself or others to help her explore alternative paths of action?

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Management: Helen is the manager of a small department in a mid-size
Reference No:- TGS01665233

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