Heat Transfer Computer Design Project - Fall Quarter 2016 Instructor: Dr. Menart
Design Problem
Due to some specialized storage requirements a very unique two-dimensional wall must be designed. This two dimensional wall is shown in Figure 1 along with the boundary conditions. It is required that a wall be designed such that the total heat rate at the south wall per unit depth of the wall is
-1.0 (??/??) ≤ ???? ≤ 1.0 (??/??)
and the total heat rate out of the east wall is
??? ≥ 150(W/??)
where the signs on the heat flows are positive in the positive x or y-directions and
negative in the negative x or y-directions. The heat rates are given per unit depth because the depth dimension is in and out of the paper and is considered to be infinite. Thus all heat rates are for a unit depth of the wall.

Your job is to design this wall. This consists of picking a material and determining the overall thickness, labeled with L in the figure. Assume that the thermal conductivity is uniform. You can only choose solid materials from the tables in the back of your book for the wall. Take your thermal conductivities at 300 K.
Required Results
The required results are the name of the material you have chosen, the thermal conductivity of this material, and the overall length of the wall. Plots of the temperature in the wall as a function of the x-position should be made for y = 0, 10, 20 and 30 cm. Put all four of these curves on the same graph. Determine the total heat rate per unit depth for all four walls. Of course the South and East walls must meet the criteria stated in equations (1) and (2). I also need a listing of your computer program.
Ground Rules
All work is to be your own and collaboration is not allowed. You may not discuss the problem with one another. You may ask one another computer related questions, but no heat transfer questions. You may not use the work of projects students have done in past classes.