
Healthy and unhealthy aspects of dimensions

Assignment :

1. The total length of your paper should not be more than 7 pages. It should be typewritten, double-spaced, with 1-inch margin all round, and ‘Times New Roman' font-size 12.

2. Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are entirely unacceptable. SUSS has extremely strict procedures for dealing with plagiarism and collusion. Please ensure that you do not inadvertently commit these offences by quoting and referencing correctly according to APA guidelines.

3. Provide at least 2 other references (besides your textbook) and cite them in APA format. Think of a small group (5-15 members) experience you have had or are currently having in your personal or professional life. It can be a group you belong(ed) to in your place of
worship; at your place of work; as part of a school project; or as part of your personal interests like a community service or volunteer work group.

Part 1 - Introduction

Briefly describe the group - context of its existence; its type and size; its membership composition; the duration of its existence (so far); the frequency of meetings; and your personal role in the group.

Part 2 - Assessment of Group Dynamics

Employ your knowledge in group dynamics to analyse and discuss the group according to the following:

(a) The healthy and unhealthy aspects of the four dimensions of the group's dynamics:

(1) Communication and interaction patterns,

(2) Group cohesion,

(3) Social integration and influence,

(4) Group culture.

(b) The factors that you think have, over time, contributed to the development of both the healthy and unhealthy aspects of the group's dynamics.

(c) What you think could have been done (or needs to be done) to strengthen the group's dynamics.

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Other Subject: Healthy and unhealthy aspects of dimensions
Reference No:- TGS02050922

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